In December 2014, a 13 year-old boy, Taylor, was recovering after having a brain tumor removed in Springfield, MO. He was self-conscious of the incision and wanted to cover his head as visitors came to see him. His family discovered that a beanie was the most comfortable thing for him to wear. He wore beanies ever day as his hair began to grow back and his incision healed.
A few weeks later, the boy’s mom, Stephanie, discovered another little boy, Jonny, was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor in Jerseyville, IL. Jonny and his twin brother, Jacky were 7 years-old. Stephanie wanted to do something for Jonny. She decided she would put together little goodie boxes for Jonny and Jacky. In Jonny’s box she put a beanie. Hoping it would make Jonny feel better and let him know people were praying for him.
Stephanie then began brainstorming with her husband, Scott, about how they could help other kids like Jonny and Taylor as they are preparing for surgery or undergoing treatment. They decided they wanted to start an organization to send beanies out to kids. The Beanie Brigade was soon born!